Sleep is an important need for supporting the health and productivity of day-to- day . Unfortunately , the need to sleep eight hours a night which often can not be fulfilled . Napping was then an alternative compliance needs less sleep at night .
According to experts , even if only for a few minutes , a nap can already provide optimal benefits for the brain , especially for the improvement of concentration, analysis , and creativity . In fact some studies have suggested , a nap can keep the risk of high blood pressure , obesity , and diabetes .
However, not everyone is able to fall asleep as soon closed his eyes . Especially in the midst of busy and crowded physical conditions are not ready to sleep , nap becomes difficult activity .
Then how to optimize nap time in busy schedules ? According to health expert Dr. Andrew Prasadja sleep , sleeping environment is the key. Find a quiet , comfortable , and far from distraction for a nap . If your desk is quiet enough , you can even use it .
" If it does not exist , use alternatives such as wearing a blindfold and a headset to listen to soothing music , " he advised when contacted by Reuters Health some time ago .
In principle , he added , is not to force myself to sleep . " If it can not , does not need to be forced . Important thing has been trying to rest your mind , " he said .
Andrew said , while not unusual , it is difficult nap . But if it is routinely done , for long would be easy to fall asleep . According to him , the time it takes to actually fall asleep is about 15 minutes , so it is only natural that a short nap in a somewhat difficult time .
The length of nap time varies in each person . However, the general recommendation is 10-20 minute nap . In that time , was not reached until the sleep phase , so as not to cause a sense of suffocation when awakened .
" Ideally performed nap after lunch , while it is in recess , " he said .
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